GENESIS12.1 2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.[a] 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you Hai friend’s glad to meet u .I am a pastor’s family. My father Pastor Arulraj more than 32 years.. I am the elder one I received jesus when I was in ukraine 1995. Accedently went to study for medicine course there. But the contractor who sent me he cheated me,because every year many thousands of dollars I must pay. I don't have, My father poor man of god. I deceided to kill myself. But jesus come my heart I got saved there. I plan to came back, But god told me to stay there. 1 year I studied russian language there. 2nd year i don't have visa , I no pay University Of Medicine.So they took from medical hosatl, A widow woman took me and feed me I attened the church called victory . I studied one year Diplomo in bible russian course there. In 1998 nearly in dead because I was ill by the snow -30 Digree celsieus. I near to dead. Doctors said u die soon, I have no money to come back I ask god to help me, The pastor called me and helped me to come back to india in 1998 June. Here I got healed,& 3 years I studied in madras assembles of bible school. In 2001 I got married & got two daughters First one Angelin jemi nancy 9 years studing in 3rd standard. Second one Herlin arulsiya. My father has a small church still now he nothing yarn for him. My second brother also Pastor his wife dental doctor they living from me 100 kilometeres he has a orphange 40 children ther my contact number in 9865757460,0461-2345283 u can call me my skype id acchris2005 . My 3rd brother went bible school this year god provide own land for us We have a small church there we doing independent ministry. We doing our ministry only faith Pleas pray for us, and visit us we love u amen. church our church called babiyatha mission we have a place god provide it. we love u.we need to build our church with 1000 peoples and a good building we need for the congregation please pray about it I have a great passion to do missionary works some time in Russia and some neibouring countries . please pray for me and please remember me. If some body sponser me I will faithful to do lord’s ministry this russian countires. may god bless u Thanking You.
my face book contact is A.immanuel Benjamine http: //, ,http: //Индия GIFTS FOR CHILDREN OUR SUNDAY SERVICE MY SECOND DAUGHTER DANCING AND PRICES JESUS HOUSE PRAYER GROUPS YOUTH MINISTRY WORKING WITH ORPHANS STREET DISTRIBUTING LITUREAURES PREACH THE GOSPEL IN PUBLIC PLACES gifts for poor children give thanks in rusian languge worship our small belivers gropus help the church belivers feed the poor children feed the poor belivers give thanks
Обязательно помолимся, и если вы позволите то с вами мог бы встретится кто-то из Церкви, хотя я и не знаю откуда вы. Но во всех городах есть Церкви где Бог слышит молитвы и отвечает, во многих есть реабилитационные Церкви. Но как бы ни было - за вашего Брата и его жену мы будем молиться.
Здравствуйте! У нас в семье сложилась такая ситуация. Помолитесь пожалуйста за девушку Наташу и ее мужа Виталика. Бросить пить не могут да и не хотят! У Наташи была очень тяжелая жизнь, от этих страданий выпивка стала единственным лекарством от боли и травм, полученных в детстве не только от пьющих родителей, но и окружающих людей. Она находится на грани! Ее сильно бьет муж, мой брат, который тоже пьет. Виталика и Наташу не заставишь идти в христианский, реабилитационный центр. Они никого не слушают, трудно с ними говорить. О Христе они не слушают, потому что не верят больше в справедливость и Бога. Ведь Господь учил помогать ближним, а если ближний опустил руки и медленно катится на дно от внутренних, неизлечимых ран, как же ему помочь? Ведь ей и ему так долго не протянуть! Помолитесь пожалуйста, не оставайтесь равнодушными, как то общество, которое от нее отвернулось, как родители, которые ее бросили. Помолитесь, пусть хотя бы Господь наш милосердный будет им защитой и опорой!